The student project was a part of the SLU project MDHAP (Marknadsdriven Detaljplanelagd Hortikulturell och Akvatisk Produktion) at Tillväxt Trädgård. The project aimed to develop methods and tools that could be used by municipalities and farmers to plan and develop new large scale greenhouses. A primary objective was to create Swedish greenhouses that are competiteve on the market by using industrial ecologies with the reuse of excess energy, CO2 and organic matter. The project was a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agricultural studies, Karlshhamn municipality, EOn, Ramböll and other partners.
The project area was pointed out in Karlshamn comprehensive plan as an area for large scale greenhouse production. The municipality´s vison is that local production will supply the municipality with food.
I was part of a group with three other students presenting the project “Catch me!”.
As I was very interested in the subject I decided to continue researching the project in my master thesis (it is written in swedish with a short english summary).